Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glee: Comeback [Review]

As the thirteenth episode in the second season, I really enjoyed it. 

Warning: Spoilers below

Sure, the storyline flowed, the dialog was brilliant and Sue's usual antics and tantrums were hilarious to watch, but I want to focus on the music in this episode. 

I laughed when I saw the rendition of Justin Bieber's "Baby" and "Somebody to Love". The Glee boy's outfits were just funny, how they copied Bieber's hair and style. Although I'm not personally a fan of his music, I have to say that the performance was at least pleasant and funny. 

"I Know What Boys Like" by The Waitresses was covered by Lauren Zizes played by Ashley Fink. Honestly, I didn't like her singing. It reminded my of my sister's boring and horrible monotone voice. I noticed that they tried to cover it by using good sounding background singers. It didn't work. UPDATE: Now that I've heard the original version of this song, I can now officially say that Glee's version is WAY better. See for yourself.

Finally, "Sing" by My Chemical Romance was played and let me just say first, that I do not like that band. My sister is obsessed with it and plays their CD everyday. For me, that's really annoying and I just can't help but hate it. However, somehow listening to Glee's version made it sound more appealing (to me, anyway).It's just catchy when they sing it, I don't know. I was confused by their outfits though; "Why are they dressed like lumberjacks?" My sister even questioned it.

Anyway, it was a pretty good episode overall, I recommend that you watch it if you haven't already.

It's 7 minutes past bedtime, I say watch, don't wait.

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